
tiexp: the city: jobs
If you are going to live here, you should be either independently wealthy, willing to work, or prepared to settle for oaktown, because we already have too many beggars, thanks.

If you have an interesting story related to your job situation, please let us know. Here are online resources to help in finding a job:

craigslist Craigslist.org is a free online community to post resumes, advertise your business listing, and browse for jobs. They charge a minimal fee to post jobs. The success of craigslist has been franchised to other cities in the us and in australia. In addition to jobs, craigslist is a great place to find and post housing, furniture, singles adds and event listings.
cityspan Work for the city and county of san francisco! No more straights please, and do speak something other than english. And have an attitude. You will be paid well and not asked to do too much. Go to cityspan just to marvel at how bad the city's website is. Isn't this the digital epicenter?
ucsf Human resources at the university of california, san francisco, would love to hire you. They pay less than market rates, but they'll hire anyone and are neck and neck with the city as the largest employer in san francisco. How many people work at ucsf? About a third of them.
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