Here's some of the stuff I've been using lately to get around, get things done, and get past my inability to remember anything anymore. They give me focus and keep me in line better than (and without the expensive side effects of) a televangelist. |
My Motorcycle: a 1990 Kawasaki ZR550 Zephyr. The last Zephyr model they made before Ford sued them over the name, but hard to mistake for their Mercury Zephyr - please! It's zipping me around the City between client sites.
I've been in three accidents involving an ambulance, suffered broken two bones, and busted two PowerBooks, but I've saved countless hours not stuck in traffic or looking for parking. |
30 GB iPod. It's great. Gads of music in my pocket, along with my contacts and schedule. It also doubles as a FireWire harddrive I can use to boot your Xserve in an emergency. |

15" Al PowerBook. This is Tool2. Shortly after I bought it, I was hit by an inattentive driver turning left in front of me. I broke my collarbone, Tool2 lost its backlight. This was January 2005, a year after my first accident.
Palm Treo 650. I went through a string of Palm Pilots back when Palm improved them, but after the Vx, I lost interest in them. When I had to replace my crap Sony phone, I picked the Treo 650, and I'm glad I did. The phone signal actually works.
I remembered how useful it is to have a Palm around to remember things for me, and I really having usable email access and the mini browser. Very functional camera, and it even takes video, although the audio isn't good enough to use.
In low lighting, it takes better photos than a real digital camera, so it comes in handy for snapping photos of the license plates on cars I park my bike next to, just in case they hit my bike and take off afterward. |
My Old Gear: |
My mobile: a Sony Ericsson T610 from T-Mobile. A Bluetooth GSM phone with a silly camera. Doesn't work everywhere, but kept me in contact and is iSync savvy with my contacts and calendar. The camera is not amazing but allows for stealthy documenting. |
Check out my picture phone photos documenting my latest brush with death.
I left this phone in a theater, and nobody offered to return it. I hated it anyway, and it was time to dump T-Mobile for a less bad service provider. |
15" Ti PowerBook. My trusty Tool I used for FireWire repairs and network troubleshooting.
It was smashed up in my January 2004 motorcycle accident. The backlight on the screen was broken, so I removed the display and use it to serve RoughlyDrafted. You're soaking in it! |
Palm Vx. Palm hasn't made anything new that's got me excited enough to replace my old school Vx. It stayed alive for a month of backpacking in Europe. Try that with a WinCE or new Tungsten. You can find a used Vx on the web for about $30. |
Read about my experiences documented in Graffiti on my Palm. |
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