Motorcycle Diaries: The Road to Burma
Motorcycle Diaries: Chiang Mai and the Mae Hon Son Loop on a 'huge' 400cc bike Motorcycle Diaries: Vientiane to Vang Veng on my first motocross
Motorcycle Diaries: Exploring Ko Samui on two wheels
My adventures in Thailand, Laos and Myanmar: I scrubbed a scooter, caught a motorcycle on fire, lost my headlight in the dark of night, narrowly missed cows, chickens, naked babies and crazy drivers on drugs, dove through raging creeks, and ran out of gas in the best place ever. I even got sucker punched in the face by a stupid Italian punk. Didn't break any bones tho.
My Motorcycle: a 1990 Kawasaki ZR550 Zephyr. The last Zephyr model they made before Ford sued them over the name, but hard to mistake for their Mercury Zephyr - please! It's zipping me around the City between client sites. |
City Tow Angels
Good morning angels! Your next assignment is to locate a missing vehicle in San Francisco and return it to its owner. The client has wracked up plenty of parking tickets, so spare no expense poking at the keyboard until you solve the case!
More Gore!
That's what they might be saying if Ralph Nader hadn't run for president in The Year 2000. But no, this is just the latest tragic scar pics of my arm, post trauma.
Wolverine or Frankenstein?
On one hand, I don't recall anything from the operating table; I just know that I was implanted with lots of metal, and have the x-rays to prove it. On the other hand, I have some horrific stitching, and my foul left arm looks like it was found floating in a river.
Scars and Stripes Forever
Nothing cheers me up like being silly. Sometimes I get an idea that's really, really bad, but I run with it anyway. You have been warned. Now chin up, shoulders back and face this like a good soldier, a ready pawn defending SUVs, Big Box Retail and the American Way of Life. |
Friends Like These
Before I was old enough to be getting hit by trucks myself, I witnessed two of our pets getting run over. Instead of limping over to the car to get taken to the vet, they always crawled under the porch and hid out licking their wounds. That's what I've been feeling like lately.
HMo' Money
It was a very slow ride to Kaiser. Why aren't paramedics more aggressive drivers? If I had access to a vehicle with flashing strobe lights, a killer blast horn with various alternating effect sounds and special exemption from traffic signals, I would be getting places now.
Generally Hospitalized
When you need fixing, the SFGH trauma center is where they take you. But the end of the month is the worst time to land at General Hospital. The downtrodden get their checks and end up in the ER as crack is bought and knives come out and general chaos ensues. |
Pictures from the Road
When life gives you lemons, you gotta make lemonade. When life gives you a fat ugly lemon, a Palm Pilot, a camera phone and Internet access, you gotta take notes and pictures and publish them on the web. It's almost worth the pain to have a story. |
Reading Palm
I usually write stories in a text editor. I can't really write manually, because I am as much an editor as I am a writer. I could never get anywhere on a typewriter, and paper just scares me. It's hard to legibly finish a paragraph. When the power goes out I have to draw pictures. |
Sharing Airspace
This last weekend I didn't have big plans, and it was just as well. On the way home I entered the airspace of a tow truck running short on time. I didn't actually check the drivers schedule, but I assume if you need to pull a high speed U-turn in the middle of the block without looking, you are in a big hurry. |
Another 15 Minutes
I've always had a special interest in publishing, particularly if I could generate an interesting reaction, a meaningful controversy or gain some sort of positive notoriety along the way. But when you are born to a little Montana cow town, it's hard to have much information to publish, or find an audience interested in reading it. |
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