More Gore!
That's what they might be saying... |
...if Ralph Nader (who I think was pretty cool in an old-man cool sorta way) hadn't run for president (which was admittedly pretty stupid, in a cut off your nose to spite your face sorta way) in The Year 2000 (which I just like to say in a dramatic, booming voice over sorta way). |
Alas political armchair warriors, this is not another web page decrying the past. Google just screwed up by sending you here instead of here. This page is just the latest pics of my arm, post trama.
If you hide behind your popcorn in Frankenstein movies, you might want to opt out, because my arm is looking pretty Bread Good, Fire Bad. Now, please, a moment of silence for Phil Hartman, and the SNL that died with him.
The green is mostly gone as my incredibly well designed circulation system hauls off all that structural damage. Yes, I know my arm is terribly skinny. I was never the Incredible Hulk, but the current state is largely because of recent atrophy. I now know that happens at a far faster rate than I previously imagined. Use it or lose it indeed.
As gross as these pics are, I think it will heal pretty well and the scar isn't going to be too bad. In any case, its a show off scar, not a don't stare scar. The worst bit is actually that my muscles are all jacked up. I don't know how that's going to work out, but I've only just started to use it again.
I'm scheduled to start physical therapy next week. Until then, I'm trying to use it as much as possible, although I'm being pretty conservative. A week ago I could hardly pick up a can of soda, and now I'm starting to be able to do things like wash dishes. I found this is a very two-handed sort of chore. Actually most chores are.
Since I'm right handed, it's fortunate I hurt my left. Still, I'm finding out that my left arm does an awful lot of the grunt work. The workload is actually pretty even. My right takes all the credit; it does all the fancy writing and firm hand shaking and steady beer holding and usually throws the first punch.
Well that's it folks: my latest arm pics. Yummy! These were taken two weeks after surgery. The lower right picture (in the set of small pics) is from the following week. |

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