Sculley’s Legacy
Apple was in such a comfortable position when the 90’s started that it failed to plan for the future as if survival was at stake. John Sculley, who had run Apple since 1983, seemed to think he was still in charge of selling cans of soda at Pepsi.
Scrambling For Straws
Spindler was a strategic marketer with little technical vision. He hoped to sell Apple off to the highest bidder before the very real problems at the company were revealed. To do that, he largely maintained the status quo, presiding over events already placed in motion.
Under Sculley, Spindler had been unable to make any meaningful cuts because all of the unworkable projects at Apple were pet projects Sculley defended.
After Sculley’s ouster in 1993, Spindler’s attempts to make cuts were poorly received by the engineers and managers comfortable with the way things were, so Spindler's Apple floated the results of various projects Sculley had approved for launch:
Failed Strategies
Jean Louis Gassée’s opposition to Mac licensing and his premium pricing strategies of the late 80’s had worked to limit the potential for Mac growth in the critical period before Microsoft's Windows PC began to offer significant competition.
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